Dear Customer,
In the past 8 years the Quiktrak group has expanded our operations internationally, with clients and distributors in more than 56 countries. Due to this growth we have appointed a Master Licensee in each region to run the retail operations of the Quiktrak brand.
To bring Australia In line with the global corporate structure, Quiktrak has appointed Automotive Technology Group Australia (ATGA) as the Master Licensee to manage and control the operations in Australia and New Zealand, and their team of highly qualified and experienced staff will assume full control of our clients’ needs from January 2018.
Whilst there will be no change to your service, ATGA will require clients to resubmit payment details and authorise direct debit billing as your account is transferred to ATGA’s billing system. You will receive an email when your account is being transferred which will have a link to follow and accept recurring billing and securely submit your payment details.
Due to the large number of customers we have in Australia, it is intended to swap clients over to the new billing system gradually in the coming months to avoid any disruption to billing and service.
You will also have noticed a number of software upgrades for our tracking software, as well as our apps aimed at enhancing the service we offer to our clients, and allowing for email and push notifications to enhance our security offering.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact the undersigned:
1300 885 461