QuikTrak ATGA

To our valued

As you will be aware Automotive Technology
Group Australia (ATGA) has recently purchased the business of The Tracking Centre (TTC) and have been working to bring all TTC clients into our portal to enhance your user experience and functions. Your account and services have been incorporated into the Quiktrak brand.

Quiktrak is a complete GPS solution provider and has a wide range of products and services outside of what you may already be utilising. Should you have any other requirements or questions as to what we can provide over and above your current features please contact us or email support@quiktrak.com.au.

After careful consideration we have decided to discontinue supporting The Tracking Centre apps and app stores in their current format, this decision has been made to ensure all our clients receive the same updates and user experience that we would expect to offer.

We request all clients download the Quiktrak Pro app from your designated app store or through the below links.

google apple

Your existing username and password will operate seamlessly on the Quiktrak Pro app. If you have forgotten your login information please contact us at support@quiktrak.com.au. The Quiktrak Pro app will allow for additional features such as

In-app reporting and report requests.

View all service plans within the one app.

View trip, event and statistical data for every trip.

Improved asset status information.


We thank you for your continued support and custom.

Quiktrak / ATGA