
Activation Notice

Congratulations on your purchase and installation, and we thank you for choosing QuikProtect.

By choosing the QuikProtect, you are providing the greatest opportunity to recover your lost or stolen asset, with the added benefit of being able to check the unit’s location at any time via our smartphone apps. Please download the APP QuikProtect.

REMEMBER: Please record your username in a safe place where it can easily be retrieved in the event your vehicle is stolen or used without your authority.

USERNAME: PASSWORD: NOTEYou can change your password by logging onto your profile in the app.

In the event of a theft, please follow the below steps:

  • Phone your local police station to report the theft, this is to obtain your EVENT NUMBER
  • Phone the RESPONSE CENTRE  to report the incident. 1300 885 461
  • Provide the USERNAME and EVENT NUMBER to the staff member to verify your information and begin LIVE tracking

NB: Without an EVENT NUMBER issued by the police, we are unable to begin LIVE tracking.

Once all the above information is provided our Quiktrak Response Centre staff will liaise direct with the police to provide complete up-to date information to ensure your asset has the best chance of recovery.

Download your QuikProtect APP from Google Play or IOS APP store today to redeem your 10 FREE LOCATION REQUESTS. It is recommended to share your login details with loved ones so that in the event of an emergency such as an IMPACT alert, more than one person can receive the information and act.

For further assistance, please go to quikprotect.co, click CONTACT US and lodge a query with our Support Team. One of our support team members will respond to your query within 24 hours.


Location on demand:

When you press “Position - Show” from the QuikProtect application, a short time thereafter you will receive a map image (snapshot) of where your asset is currently located. Check under the Bell Icon. If you press “Status” this will give you information such as your GPS and GSM/WCDMA coverage status as well as the vehicles battery status.


When you activate GEOLOCK, (by switching it on in the application). If your asset moves by 200 metres or more with the ignition off, you will receive a notification, informing all logged in users of the event and the unit’s current location. EG: If your car is being towed, you will receive the alert.

Impact alarm:

When you activate IMPACT ALARM, (by switching it on in the application) if the asset is involved in an accident, the device has an accelerometer that measures when an asset goes from +40km/h to a sudden 5km/h and below. The device will send out a notification to all logged in users, informing all logged in users of the event and the unit’s current location. Please note that if the unit is destroyed or damaged upon impact, the notification will not be sent.

Tilt/Shock alarm:

When you activate the TILT/SHOCK ALARM, (by switching it on in the application) if the asset is left stationary with the ignition off, if the asset is moved or is bumped into by another car (this is dependant of the severity of the bump), the device will send a notification to all logged in users, informing all users of the event and the unit’s current location. If the TILT/SHOCK ALARM is switched on, when climbing into your vehicle, the device allows you 10 seconds to place the vehicles ignition on before triggering the alarm notification. Severe movement after this time may trigger the alarm. The moment the ignition is switched off, the device will activate after 60 seconds, allowing you time to get out your asset. You can also manually switch on/off the tilt/shock alarm on your application.

disconnection alarm:

When you activate the BATTERY DISCONNECTION ALARM, (by switching it on the application) in the event the vehicles battery is disconnected, the device will send a notification to all logged in users, informing the users of the event and the unit’s current location. The devices internal battery will last 6-8 hours thereafter.

Each time data is sent/requested/alarm triggered a credit will be used to fund the data.


  • A usermanual for IOS and ANDROID smartphones is available on https://quikprotect.co/manuals/qp-app.pdf
  • Please review our FAQ page by going to quikprotect.co/faq. This will provide information on how your system operates.
  • Should you QuikProtect not immediately respond to a status or location request allow up to 10 minutes before resending your request, much like a mobile phone a backlog can occur resulting in a delayed response.
  • QuikProtect solutions require GPS and MOBILE coverage to successfully transmit a signal, should either of these be absent the system may provide a delayed response.
  • QuikProtect can have instant alarms set under the alarm option, should a user logged into your account turn these off they will turn off for all logged into that account.


Did you know that your system can offer you so much more? You can upgrade your system from your current QuikProtect to our Live system unlocking more features and functionality. To view a live demo please follow the link and select DEMO:



  • Live tracking.
  • Historical reporting - Stationary report, movement report, alarming, geofences.
  • Servicing Intervals - mileage, engine hours, registration and tire rotation.
  • Automated mileage report.
  • Playback reporting.
  • Alarming - Power disconnection, tilt/shock, low battery, impact, ignition on/off.
  • Geofencing - in and out, date and time specific with a time delay.
  • Smartphone and web access.
  • 24/7 theft recovery assistance.

The good news is that your unit has already been installed, meaning if you chose to upgrade you don’t need to pay to swap your device. Upgrades can be done remotely (no need to bring your vehicle in).

As the data is constant, there is an option for a monthly fee ($19) or an annual once off subscription fee ($228). This gives you uncapped usage without the need for credits. If you are interested please go to quikprotect.co, click CONTACT US.


In the event of a theft, please contact our 24-hour Response Centre.

Australia -

1300 885 461

US/Canada -

1 800 678 4173