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Dear Customer,

Automotive Technology Group Australia (ATGA) and QuikTrak would like to wish you all a happy and restful festive holiday period for 2018/19.

Please note our office will be closed from Tuesday 25th December 2018 until 2nd January 2019. During this time our emails support@quiktrak.com.au and accounts@atga.com.au will be checked periodically.

Our response centre and online ticketing system will continue to operate as normal providing 24-hour 7 day a week theft recovery and alarm response assistance.

2018 has been a big year for Quiktrak with the appointment of ATGA as the license holder for Australia and New Zealand which has seen the introduction of new solutions, services and a range of additions and improvements to the software.

During the coming weeks we will be releasing more information about the modifications completed and planned for customer feedback. We look forward to providing more customisation and improvements to meet our client’s needs.

We thank you for your continued support and partnership and look forward to the many improvements and changes we have planned for 2019 and beyond.

ATGA and QuikTrak Team







1300 885 461